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Showing posts with the label Hav Maj Piru Singh

देखें कैसे CISF जवान ने मेट्रो स्टेशन पर एक व्यक्ति की जान बचाई।

    CISF कर्मियों ने श्री सत्यनारन, R / O जनकपुरी @ डाबरी मोर मेट्रो स्टेशन, DMRC, दिल्ली के एक यात्री को CPR देकर एक अनमोल जीवन दिया। श्री सत्यनारायण ने अपने जीवन को बचाने के लिए CISF को धन्यवाद दिया। आप निचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करके वीडियो देख सकते हैं।  CISF के ऑफिसियल ट्विटर हैंडल से ये ट्वीट होने के बाद ग्रह मंत्री श्री अमित शाह द्वारा जवानों से मिलने की इच्छा जाहिर की।

Company Hav Maj Piru Singh

     Hav Maj Piru Singh           On 18th July 1948, CHM Piru Singh of 6 RAJ RIF South of TITHWAL, 'D' Company, of which No 2831592 Hav Maj Piru Singh was tasked to attack and capture an enemy occupied hill feature at Thithwal in Jammu & Kashmir. As the attack advanced, they met with heavy MMG fire and a volley of grenades. More than half of the section were killed or wounded. CHM Piru Singh urged the remaining men to continue fighting and destroyed two MMG positions despite being wounded. He suddenly realized that he was the sole survivor. When the enemy lobbed another grenade at him, he crawled forward with blood dripping from his face and destroyed the enemy position before breathing his last. For exhibiting the most conspicuous valour, indomitable gallantry and for making the supreme sacrifice, he was awarded the Param Vir Chakra (Posthumous).     

Hav Abdul Hamid

     Hav Abdul Hamid      CQMH Abdul Hamid was serving in 4 GRENADIERS in Khem Karan Sector during the Indo-Pak War of 1965,  At 0800 hours on 10 September 1965, Pakistani forces launched an attack with a regiment of Patton tanks on a vital area ahead of village Chima on the Bhikkiwind road in Khem Karan Sector. Company Quarter Master Hav Abdul Hamid, who was commander of a recoilless gun detachment, moved out of a flanking position, with his gun mounted on a jeep, under intense enemy shelling and tank fire. Hav Abdul Hamid's brave action inspired his comrades to put up a gallant fight and to beat back the heavy tank assault by the enemy. His complete disregard to his personal safety during the operation and his sustained act of bravery in the face of constant enemy fire were a shining example not only to his Unit but to the whole Division and were in the highest traditions of the Indian Army.     

Grenadier Yogender Singh Yadav

  ग्रेनेडियर योगेंद्र सिंह यादव     On night of 3-4 July1999 , Gren Yogender Singh Yadav was part of the Ghatak Platoon tasked to capture Three Bunkers on Tiger Hil. Volunteering to lead the assault, Gren Yadav was scaling the vertical cliff face, when the enemy opened up with automatic fire. He continued to scale the cliff through a volley of fire. In spite of being hit by three bullets in his groin and shoulder, displaying super human strength and resolve, he reached the top. He then crawled up and lobbed a grenade into the first bunker, killing four enemy soldiers. Yet again, he charged the second bunker with his colleagues and in a fierce hand to hand combat, killed three Pakistani soldiers. For his sustained display of the most conspicuous personal bravery and gallantry of the highest order in the face of the enemy, Gren Yadav has been awarded the PARAM VIR CHAKRA       

2nd Lt Arun Khetarpal

2nd Lt Arun Khetarpal     On the 16rJ December, 1971. 2/Lt Khetarpal assaulted the enemy strong points, physically overrunning them and capturing the enemy's infantry and weapon crews at pistol point. His troop was killed, but 2/Lt Khetarpal continued to attack relentlessly till all opposition was overcome. 2/Lt Khetarpal was ordered to abandon his tank but he did not abandon his tank as there was still the task of establishing a bridgehead across the Basantar river. Inspite of wounds and his own tank burning he continued engaging the enemy tanks and destroyed one more. His tank was bit a second time as a result of which he died but the enemy was denied. In this action, 2/Lt Arun Khetarpal displayed most conspícuous gallantry in" the face of the enemy, indomitable fighting spirit and tenacity of purpose.

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देखें कैसे CISF जवान ने मेट्रो स्टेशन पर एक व्यक्ति की जान बचाई।

    CISF कर्मियों ने श्री सत्यनारन, R / O जनकपुरी @ डाबरी मोर मेट्रो स्टेशन, DMRC, दिल्ली के एक यात्री को CPR देकर एक अनमोल जीवन दिया। श्री सत्यनारायण ने अपने जीवन को बचाने के लिए CISF को धन्यवाद दिया। आप निचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करके वीडियो देख सकते हैं।  CISF के ऑफिसियल ट्विटर हैंडल से ये ट्वीट होने के बाद ग्रह मंत्री श्री अमित शाह द्वारा जवानों से मिलने की इच्छा जाहिर की।

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